Shifting from working to investing

I used to think I was “saving money”, by doing it all myself. After starting & running over half a dozen businesses, I realized that (for me), one of the single most important lessons learned, was to get out of my own way. Nowadays…I do just that by investing in online businesses.

Why invest in digital assets?


The inevitable changes in attitudes, technology, and communications will lead to new communities of remote workers - that was the central thesis of the book The Digital Nomad released in 1997. Fast forward to today and the global community has become a reality .

In the 20 plus years since Digital Nomad was written, 4 billion people have come online with another 3 billion to add to the list by 2030. Plus 50% of the workforce will be remote by the end of 2022. Technology is making our world smaller, with an internet connection you can reach anyone in the world.


With the the advent of the DN lifestyle, why be chained to a desk or single location to do your job, run your business, live your life? The affinity with this lifestyle stems from the fact you can work from anywhere while tending to the tasks that make your business a profitable venture.

There is a booming trend in owning, running and investing in online businesses. Multi million dollar online companies are being bought, sold & flipped every day. Have an Affiliate,Amazon.Digital advertising, Drop-shipping, E-commerce, Info product, or Subscription business to sell? Please contact me.

Growing our Portfolio.

We are always looking for premium, revenue- generating online businesses to add to our portfolio. If you are an owner/operator looking to transition out of your business, please contact us.


Chat with me

Not sure if you want to sell your online business? Contact me & let’s chat to see if our company is a good fit for you.